Sunday Stash Report

After attending a surprise birthday party for my mother, yesterday was spent cutting parts for Bonnie Hunter’s En Provence Mystery. I almost have all of the parts cut out to make the long legged triangles for both colors.  I am way behind, but that is okay, it what I am able to do at the time. I have about 80 of these sewed and that is all the sewing I have completed.


I also spent some time working on my ufo project and it is slowly making its way closer to completion. My last day at work for the year is Wednesday and I am sure looking forward to it. Then I am going to catch up on reading and commenting on blogs that I like to read.

I also hope during this time that I am off to do a major amount of quilting, and of course finishing the UFO and finishing up another top that I decided to enlarge as a gift to my sister. I think I already have more than I will be able to finish before I go back to work, but I hope to give it a good try.

This week has been good for stash busting and sewing, I have been in the sewing room working every day and for most days, several days. After the early push of getting baking done and stuff ready for Christmas, I am taking the time to relax, do some sewing and enjoy the Christmas season. Days with 15 minutes or more 7 out of 7. Go see Kate’s blog and see how many days she was able to get in.

I did a horrible job of keeping up with what I am cutting so this is my best guesstimate on what was used. I think I did good enough that it is pretty accurate because of trying to figure out how many strips to cut for the En Provence Mystery. If I don’t write it down and count it right then, it would never happen because I forget. I would like to get to the 100 use mark, but that would have me using 24 yards before the new year, I don’t think that is going to happen.

Here is my stash report, for my link-up with Patchworktimes.

Fabric out week 4.56 yards
Fabric in 0 yards
Fabric out ytd: 76.506 yards
Fabric in ytd: 51.07 yards
Total  25.436 yards out

Happy quilting!


2 thoughts on “Sunday Stash Report

  1. Congratulations on getting your Christmas baking and stuff all done so you can relax and sew. Wish I were in that boat. lol Good luck on using more of your stash before the end of the year. Your numbers are still good for this year.


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